Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sweet Pea Settles In

Sweet Pea has been living with us for six months now, since the day a young woman with kids in tow handed her to me outside the El Cajon Petco. She has made our house her home, and its people her servants. Sweet Pea has a charming personality, excellent manners, and has reminded me of how much I missed having kitty whiskers in the house. Here are some of Sweet Pea's favorite activities.

1. Sleeping on my computer chair. This is her favorite spot in the whole house, despite the availability of beds, couches, and a comfortable overstuffed La-Z-Boy. If I need to use the computer, Sweet Pea will begrudgingly let me perch on the edge of the chair. Sometimes she will sit on the floor below the chair, glaring at me with her ears to the side and a very annoyed expression. This is HER chair.

2. Lounging on her cat tree. My roommate, who is an excellent woodworker, made the cat tree from scratch. He used Sisal rope for two of the legs and covered two of the perches in fleece. At first, Sweet Pea was not at all aware that the cat tree was for her. She was scratching on the carpet until we started sprinkling dried catnip on the perches. Now she spends a great deal of time there. And since the cat tree is located directly behind the computer chair, it provides a great place from which to glare at me while I am typing.

By the way, if you would like a custom cat tree, email us at

3. Hanging out with B.B. Sweet Pea is not the least bit afraid of our 90-pound Lab and has made it known that he is not to enter her comfort zone. B.B. respects the cat's authority and wisely keeps his distance. We think they enjoy the company, and they can often be seen sharing the sunny patch that comes through our screen door in the afternoons. They don't exactly cuddle up together, but they co-exist peacefully and respectfully.

4. Communing with Spike. Spike is one of our guinea pigs. He is a big tough guy and doesn't care for other guinea pigs. Spike is not afraid of the cat. So they get "floor time" together in the hallway, and Sometimes wind up sleeping about a foot apart. Spike has learned that as long as he stays about one foot away from Sweet Pea, she will largely ignore him. If he comes to close, she swats the air with her paw and he runs away. They are an odd couple. The other guinea pigs do not enjoy her company, and run and hide if she comes to visit.

5. Lap time. Like most cats, Sweet Pea chooses when and with whom she wishes to be affectionate. Usually in the evenings (around feeding time), Sweet Pea finds the warmest lap and politely parks her fluffy self. This is her lounging half on the couch and half on my chest. She loves back scratches, head scratches, and hugs.

We are really glad that Sweet Pea came into our life and it looks like she is too!

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